Recommandations (english)
To make sure you get a spot that suits you, sign up at least a week in advance. A sign in front of La Rotonde indicates available slots free that day.
Exceptionally, in case of illness or accident, there could be a change of masseur at the last minute.
Please be on time. Take a large towel to cover yourself! The 50-minute massage costs CHF 80.- payable in cash only. You can bring your own oil if you like.
In winter: wait at « La Rotonde » (the cabins are on the sauna side).
In summer: wait in front of the cabins on the women’s side. Access to the baths will cost you CHF 2.-. If there is a line in front of the entrance to the baths, you can present the confirmation of your massage at the cashier’s desk to go straight through.
If you cannot make your appointment, you must cancel 24 hours in advance or find someone to come in your place, otherwise we will still have to charge you for the massage. In case of a last minute delay or cancellation, please leave us a message on our answering machine (please leave your name, phone, massage time and name of the masseur).
Mains des Bains does not tolerate any behavior that takes advantage of the vulnerability of others, in the broadest sense of the term (sexual, economic, social, etc.). Any inappropriate attitude or gesture on the part of either the donor or the recipient requires immediate cessation of treatment and dismissal of the offender.
Treat yourself or another to a moment of well-being. Gift certificates, valid for one year, are on sale at La Rotonde; by phone (Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 am. to 12 am.) or online.